2023 Amazon Japan Black Friday Deals for Babies, Toddlers, Pregnancy, and Household

2023 Black Friday Deals Japan

Last Updated on November 28, 2023 by Kay

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The annual Amazon Black Friday sale is here!  

As with every year, I’ll be sharing great 2023 Black Friday deals on Amazon Japan for parents of little ones, or for those of you expecting a new addition to your family. I will also introduce some of my favorite household products as well, so it’s a good time to get Christmas gifts, whether it’s for your family or just yourself! 

These deals are on from now until December 1st at 23:59, 2023. If you’re interested in anything I introduce, click/tap on their name or image to be taken to their Amazon retailer. And remember, you can get additional points if you are an Amazon Prime member, shop with the Amazon app, and/or use the Amazon Mastercard.

As with everything that I introduce on my website, everything has been run through サクラチェッカー to ensure that they don’t have fake reviews.

Needless to say, this post contains affiliate links. Any compensation I receive (at absolutely zero extra cost to you) will go directly to the yearly hosting fee of this website so I can keep it going for as long as possible.

2023 Black Friday Deals in Japan For Baby Products

Coperta Swaddle

【IHDI認証済み】スワドル おくるみ 新生児 【助産師が推薦 100%天然コットン】コペルタ ベビー用品 出産祝い (HOSHI, Small)

This wasn’t around when my daughter was a newborn but if it was, I definitely would have tried it out. It looks similar to the Love 2 Dream swaddle but is much more affordable. It has also been certified by the International Hip Dysplasia Institute and has taken the development of joints into consideration while being made.

Diapers and Wipes for Babies and Toddlers

Now is a great time to stock up on diapers if needed. Like in previous years, diapers for newborns to toddlers by brands like Merries, Pampers, Mamy Poko, Genki!, Moony, and GOO.N are on sale for Black Friday.

Unfortunately, my favorite Pampers diapers for babies aren’t on sale but I was a fan of using Merries when my daughter was a toddler. First Premium by Merries wasn’t out yet when she was born so if you have a newborn or are going to have a baby soon, try them out!

【テープ 新生児サイズ】メリーズ ファーストプレミアム (お誕生~新生児用5000g) [ケース品] 2倍やわらかカシミヤタッチ 【Amazon.co.jp限定】新生児サイズ (216個)

And if your baby is ready for pants-type/pull-up diapers or already in them, Merries are excellent:

【Amazon.co.jp限定】【パンツ Mサイズ】メリーズさらさらエアスルー (6~11kg)156枚 (52枚×3) [ケース品]


Oyasumiman overnight diapers were my go-to when my daughter was younger and I highly recommend trying them out.

【夜用 パンツ Lサイズ】オヤスミマン 女の子 オムツ(9~14kg)120+16枚 [ケース品] 【Amazon.co.jp限定】

If you need some help narrowing down which diapers to get, read my review on tape-type diapers in Japan for newborns as well as pants-type ones.

Wipes are on sale as well from brands such as Pampers, Merries, and GOO.N.

パンパース おしりふき 肌へのいちばん 672枚(56枚x12パック) [ケース品]

To know more about baby wipes in Japan, check out this article.

Fisherprice Soothe ‘N Snuggle Otter

フィッシャープライス(fisher price) おやすみラッコ【保育士認定】 【0カ月~】【知育玩具】【寝かしつけ】GHL41

This cuddly otter is safe for newborns and helps them relax and sleep with its soft lights, by playing music and mimicking breathing motions. Best of all, you can customize it according to what works best for your baby. In a survey, 84% of parents in Japan said they would recommend this toy to other parents. It’s also safe for the washing machine!

Fisherprice 4WAY Bilingual Piano Gym

This is a great compact gym that is perfect for those with babies and living in Japan. It’s filled with interactive activities that your baby can do from a newborn up until they’re sitting up and crawling.

フィッシャープライス(fisher price) あんよでキック! 4WAYバイリンガル・ピアノジム 【0カ月~】【知育・英語・外国語】【布おもちゃ】【スマートステージ】FWT10

If you’re a fan of Pokemon, you might want this adorable Monpoke baby gym

トイローヤル モンポケ ベビージム (洗濯機洗い可/手洗い可) 知育玩具 ラトル (記念日フォト/マンスリーフォトにも) 音が鳴る ピカチュウ イーブイ

Other play gyms for babies can be found here.

Fisher Price Rainbow Forest Jumperoo

フィッシャープライス(fisher price) ゆかいなレインボーフォレストジャンパルー 【プレゼント】【首すわり~体重11.5㎏まで】 HPH48

This an updated version of the one we got for our daughter four years ago. Despite that she cried the first time we put her in it, she ended up loving it. A lot of my friends and family have used/are using this for their little ones as well! 


Monpoke Combi Microwavable Bottle Sterilizer (コンビ電子レンジ除菌)

I’ve mentioned this product before in my article on baby products you should (and shouldn’t) buy before your little one comes. And now there’s a Monpoke one! I wish this was around when my daughter was little!

This sterilizer is a great price, compact, very easy to use, and not to mention cute. I highly recommend it.


コンビ 除菌じょ~ずα monpoke


Combi Nail Care Set

This is another great item I mentioned in my article on what to get for your newborn. I used this for four years and found it an excellent investment for the price. I still sometimes break it out if I want to file my own nails!

【Amazon.co.jp 限定】コンビ ベビーレーベル ネイルケアセット ベビーピンク 6タイプのアタッチメント付き(赤ちゃん用3種/大人用3種)

We also have these baby nail scissors by Pigeon and use it now that our daughter is older. (She was too scared of it when she was little. I know some people cut nails when kids are sleeping but I don’t like the mess, personally.)

This set is quite good for traveling as it also comes with a snot sucker! 

ピジョン ベビーこだわりおていれセット 15108

Aprica NIOI-POI Diaper Pail

I used this from when my daughter was a newborn up until she was fully toilet-trained. It’s such a steal for the price, compact, and sturdy. Never had an issue with it and would recommend it to all parents in Japan!

Aprica(アップリカ) 強力消臭紙おむつ処理ポット ごみ箱 ニオイポイ NIOI-POI ペールブルー BL カセット1個付 2022668


Konny Carrier

Here’s another favorite of mine for newborns. This award-winning baby carrier is light and great for carrying a newborn! We also resold it on Mercari for close to the price we bought it for once our daughter was too heavy for it.


コニー抱っこ紐 Elastech (Konny) スリング 新生児から20kg 収納袋付き 国際安全認証取得 ぐっすり抱っこひも (チャコール) (M)

If you want something more supportive, especially when your child gets bigger, then I can’t recommend the Ergobaby carrier enough! The Omni Breeze is probably a good option when considering how hot Japanese summers can get. Even when it’s colder you can get pretty sweaty when you’re holding a little one and doing something like hiking a mountain in Nara.

Ergobaby エルゴベビー 日本正規品保証付 EBC OMNI Breeze サファイアブルー CREGBCZ360PSAPBLU 1個 (x

GRACO High Chair


GRACO (グレコ) ハイチェア フロアツーテーブル 首すわり~7歳頃まで 7通りの使い方 ベビーチェア ローチェア (オスカー GR)

When your little one is starting solids, you might want to consider getting them a high chair. Personally, we used the Ingenuity chair, which we attached to a regular chair, and both used the tray and then the table when our daughter was older. BUT! This GRACO high chair does the same. In fact, you can use it in seven different ways, so you can adjust how you use it as your child grows. 

If you’re looking for something a little more oshare, then you might want to consider Stokke’s high chair, which is also on sale.

Stokke ストッケ ベビーチェア ハイチェア 本体 クリック 食卓 赤ちゃん 椅子 サニーコーラル


Fisher-Price Bilingual Learning Box

This toy is jam-packed with fun things for your little one to do, such as learn about numbers, colors, music, and shapes, as well as practice their hand-eye coordination. The toy is in both Japanese and English as well, so it’s great for a bilingual baby.

フィッシャープライス(fisher price) バイリンガル・ラーニングボックス 【6カ月~】【知育・英語・外国語】【プレゼント】DNY97

Browse other toys for infants on sale for Black Friday.

Imou Baby Monitor

If your baby is going to sleep in another room from you, now or eventually, then a baby monitor is a must to help ease your mind since you can easily check up on them. This one connects to your smartphone and has a two-way speaker and audio so you can speak to your child from another room.

Imou ペットカメラ ベビーモニター Ranger 2 1080p 2MP 200万画素

Browse other baby monitors on sale for Black Friday.

Combi Hi-Low Chair

COMBI コンビ 電動ハイローチェア ホワイトレーベル ネムリラ AUTO SWING BEDi Long シェル

We had one of these when my daughter was little. Although for my family it wasn’t a must, for some people this is extremely helpful. When your child is a newborn, you can place them inside and the chair will gently rock back and forth to different music to help them sleep. It also functions as a high or low chair with a tray so your child can eat there or play with toys, etc., when they’re able to sit up.


Aprica(アップリカ) A型ベビーカー カルーンエアーメッシュ 1か月~36か月まで 軽量 両対面 (コンフェッティネイビー) 2151455

There are a ton of strollers on sale for Black Friday this year. If you need help narrowing down which one to get, read my article on the best newborn products for babies in 2023.

2023 Black Friday Deals in Japan For Toddlers

EDISONmama Fork and Spoon Set

EDISONmama(エジソンママ) フォーク&スプーン 14cm 1.5歳~ / パンプキン&プリン ステンレス パンプキン&キャロット ケース無

I used these when my daughter was around one year old and I still use them for her now that she’s four. They’re super durable and easy for kids to use.

EDISONmama Training Chopsticks

EDISONmama(エジソンママ)エジソンのお箸mini 1歳半~ 14cm 右手用 ホワイト 子供用おはし リングに指を入れるだけ 食事

Another favorite of mine (well, my daughter’s) are these training chopsticks. They’re small so perfect for little hands and have loops for the fingers. My daughter hasn’t quite mastered using regular chopsticks so she’s been using these since she was around one as well. 

Monpoke RakuMug Drink Set

COMBI コンビ ポリプロピレン (PP) ラクマグ わくわくドリンクセット monpoke モンポケ

How cute are these training mugs?! I loved the Richell ones I used for my daughter but if I had another, I would definitely try these ones out. Some friends of mine are also fans of Combi mugs.

10mois mamamanma

[10mois(ディモワ)] mamamanma(マママンマ) プレートセット ピンク 18151006

Continuing on with the solid food theme, I want to share another product that I got when my daughter was little, which are these cloud plates. They’re quite deep so you can use them as bowls as well. They’re dishwasher and microwave-safe, and super cute, too.

There’s also a matching mat, which I used for about two years. I love how it can catch stray food so it doesn’t end up on your kid’s legs or on the floor. The only reason we don’t use it now is because our new table is too thin.

10mois(ディモワ) mamamanma お食事シリコンマット

Pigeon has created cute tree-shaped plates as well! 

ピジョン KIPPOI キッポイ ベビー食器 セット クリームイエロー&ミントグリーン

Water WOW! Dinosaurs

メリッサ&ダグ(Melissa&Doug) 水ぬりえ Water WOW! 恐竜 正規品 9315

My daughter has the jungle version of this, which I bought for her when we traveled to Canada last year. She still loves “painting” the pages using water over and over again so I wanted to get her a new one. And luckily, the dinosaur one was on sale for Black Friday! I also picked one up for a friend’s son as well.

I can’t wait to see my daughter’s face when she gets this for Christmas.

BRIO Battery Powered Action Train

BRIO (ブリオ) WORLD バッテリーパワーアクショントレイン [全3ピース] 対象年齢 3歳~ (電車のおもちゃ 木のレール 電動

If your child likes trains, then they might enjoy these cute and colorful wooden trains that move using batteries! 

For something a little bigger, you may want to consider this wooden rail set.

BRIO (ブリオ) 65th アニバーサリートレインセット 36036 [全32ピース] 対象年齢 2歳~ (電車 おもちゃ

Sylvanian Family House (Deluxe Size)

【Amazon.co.jp限定】シルバニアファミリー お家 【 赤い屋根の大きなお家 デラックスセット -屋根裏はひみつのお部屋- 】 22-RZ STマーク認証 3歳以上


This is so adorable! I’ve always dreamed of getting my daughter one of these houses but unfortunately she opted for the Mermaid Castle Theme Park instead for her 4th birthday. But it’s okay, that’s what she wants (and it’s super cute) and if your child wants this house that’s on sale for Black Friday, now’s the time! 

This also made first place in the Dolls category in a 2023 survey looking at the most popular Christmas toys for kids in Japan.  

Disney Dream Switch

セガトイズ ディズニー&ディズニー/ピクサーキャラクターズ Dream Switch ( ドリーム スイッチ ) 50ストーリーズ 親子の眠る前が楽しくなる


This made the runner-up list in 2022 for top educational Christmas presents for kids in Japan. It projects Disney stories (in Japanese) onto a wall so kids can read before going to sleep. 

LEGO Frozen Wonderland

レゴ(LEGO) ディズニープリンセス アナとエルサの氷のワンダーランド クリスマスプレゼント クリスマス 43194 おもちゃ ブロック プレゼント お姫様

If your kid likes Frozen and Elsa as much as mine does, you might be interested in this LEGO set, which comes with Elsa, Anna, and Olaf figures. I would have gotten it for my own kid but she has too many toys right now.

GeoSafari Jr. My First Microscope

エデュケーショナル インサイツ(Educational Insights) ラーニング リソーシーズ GeoSafari(R) Jr. My First Microscope


I am very tempted to get this for my daughter because she loves playing scientist and would have a lot of fun with this. 

Learning Resources also has a Deluxe Lab Set, which comes with test tubes, a flask, a microscope, goggles, and experiment cards. 

ラーニング リソーシズラーニングリソーシズ 学習玩具 初めての実験セット デラックス LER0826 正規品

I’m considering getting my daughter these Big View Binoculars as well. She got a pair in a Happy Meal but of course, the quality wasn’t great so she was disappointed. I think it’s not bad for 2000 yen, especially at 6 times magnification!

ラーニングリソーシズ 双眼鏡 子供用 おもちゃ LER2818 正規品

Amazon Fire Kids Tablet

Amazon Fire HD 8 キッズモデル (8インチ) ブルー 数千点のキッズコンテンツが1年間使い放題

In my post on traveling internationally with a toddler, I mentioned that this tablet might be a good investment to keep toddlers entertained as it comes with free downloads of apps, movies, and shows for one year. It’s also something that would be helpful if you need your child to be occupied, such as while you’re eating somewhere.


CATCH Me! おりたたみロングスロープ キッズパーク

This is a best-selling foldable indoor playset with a swing, a slide, and plenty of bars for your little one to hang off of in the safety of their own home. My in-laws snagged this Black Friday deal three years ago and gifted it to A for Christmas. She loved it but we ended up selling it on Mercari as we felt like she had outgrown it. Also, I think if you have a very cozy home, you might want to consider getting one without a swing.

【Amazon.co.jp限定】 野中製作所 CATCH Me! おりたたみロングスロープ キッズパーク SP ナチュラル ( ジャングルジム


Browse other toys for toddlers on sale for Black Friday.


New Balance Shoes

[ニューバランス] キッズスニーカー IZ420M マジックテープ 男の子 女の子 JF(BEIGE/PINK) 12.0 cm W

Shoes are something you’re going to need at least two of if your child is in daycare or preschool, and you’re going to go through them fast as your child grows. But I think investing in good shoes is important for your child’s development, and at this price, it’s worth it. Note that the price changes according to the size and style of the shoe.

If your child is a fan of おかあさんといっしょ (Okaasan to Issho), then they might be interested in these adorable shoes featuring the popular character Wanwan.

[シュンソク] ベビーシューズ スニーカー いないいないばあっ! 幅広 軽量 足育 12~15cm 男の子 女の子


Browse other baby and toddler shoes on sale for Black Friday.


Black Friday Deals in Japan For Pregnancy Products

Meiz Maternity Body Pillow

Meiz 抱き枕 だきまくら 授乳クッション 妊婦 男女兼用 背もたれクッション 腰枕 多機能枕 マタニティ

This was one of my favorite items when I was pregnant and is a must-have for any mother-to-be who hasn’t gotten one yet.  These pillows help improve blood circulation and reduce the chance of stillbirth. And regardless of that, it helped me feel supported and less uncomfortable as my belly grew bigger.

Medela Lanolin Cream

【公式】メデラ 乳頭ケアクリーム ピュアレーン 7g 授乳前に拭き取り不要 天然ラノリン100% 母乳育児をやさしくサポート


This a best-selling cream that can be used post-partum for soothing chapped and sore nipples after breastfeeding but is also safe for babies.

Postpartum underwear (産褥ショーツ・sanjyoku shotsu)

When giving birth in Japan, there’s a lot you need to prepare in advance, including buying special postpartum underwear called 産褥ショーツ (sanjyoku shotsu).

[ワコールマタニティ] 【GOCOCi 】産前産後兼用ショーツ おなかの変化に対応 ローウエスト 裾フリーカッティング MPP047 レディース GY マタニティL

mamacharm mama cream

mamacharm 武内製薬 ママクリーム 300g 保湿クリーム 無添加 オーガニック オイル マタニティ 妊婦


This award-winning cream is meant to be used while you’re expecting to help diminish stretch marks and keep your belly moistured with natural ingredients. Note that the one on sale has a fragrance and is not unscented.

Browse the full range of maternity and baby items that are on sale for Black Friday on Amazon Japan.

2023 Black Friday Deals in Japan For Parents and the Household

Subscription Services

All of the subscription services by Amazon are on sale for Black Friday! 

Towels from タオル研究所 

【Amazon.co.jp限定】タオル研究所 [軽さの理由] #006 バスタオル ブルーグリーン 花緑青色 4枚セット 薄手 速乾 高速吸水

If you’re looking for some lightweight but good quality and affordable towels, these are for you. Note that they’re not super soft or fluffy but I think they’re pretty good for the price. It’s worth trying them out. 

OXO Good Grips 10-Piece Airtight Food Storage POP Container

オクソー 保存容器 OXO プラスチック 密閉 2.6L ポップコンテナ ビックスクエア ショート


These are excellent when it comes to storing and keeping food fresh. We use these for flour and coffee beans, and it’s SO easy to open and scoop what we need out and then close it again. Actually, I think I will get some more for sugar and salt… 

Paper Pot Tissue Case


ペーパー ポット ティッシュケース ホルダー 日本製 トイレットペーパー にも使える おしゃれ 可愛い ティッシュポット


These have been very popular in Japan lately as they look like a vase but for tissues! It comes in a ton of colors as well.

My husband is actually not a fan of the look but I want to try it out since it seems to save space lengthwise and it looks like a good deal for Black Friday, so I’ve ordered one! 

Alexa Echo Show 5

We bought an older version of this during Black Friday because of its smart display. We use it to set timers, check the weather, hear the news, and play whatever music our daughter likes. The Echo Show lets you make video calls, displays pictures, and plays shows using services like Netflix and Amazon Prime Video.

This is the newest version (I believe it came out this year) and is 50% off for Black Friday so I think if you’re looking for at the very least a digital photo frame, this is a great option (that comes with lots of extras, of course).

(Now I’m wondering if we should upgrade to the newest one!)


Echo Show 5 (エコーショー5) 第3世代 - スマートディスプレイ with Alexa、2メガピクセルカメラ付き、クラウドブルー

Kindle Paperwhite

I own this and it’s a great way to have access to all the books, magazines, manga, etc., you need at any time. It’s very light and portable, fitting perfectly into my purse and diaper bag, and it’s waterproof, so you can read in the bath as well. So why am I recommending this for parents? Well, firstly for a mental health break. Second, with Kindle Unlimited (which is free for the first month or only 99 yen for three months), you’ll have access to a ton of free or heavily discounted English and Japanese reading material (books, magazines, manga, etc.), including those on parenting.

Kindle Paperwhite (8GB) 6.8インチディスプレイ 色調調節ライト搭載 広告あり

Ponbaby Diaper Bag 

[Ponbaby] マザーズリュック (大容量 / 16のポケット) マザーズバッグ リュック 軽量 多機能 USBポート付き

This is such a fashionable bag and looks super durable. I wish it was around when I had my daughter! I love how this diaper bag has various easy-to-reach pockets and specific spots for bottles. You can attach it easily to a stroller or suitcase as well. It is also ergonomic so there’s less stress on your body when you wear it.

Browse all the diaper bags on sale for Black Friday.

DeLonghi Magnifica S


De'Longhi (デロンギ) 全自動コーヒーマシン マグニフィカS ECAM22112B コーヒーメーカー 全2メニュー カフェジャポーネ搭載 アイスコーヒー 豆から挽きたて

As parents, many of us need coffee to function and tackle the day. This coffee machine has been one of the best things I’ve bought for our new house. I love that you can change the grind of the beans depending on how strong you want your coffee and my husband, a former Starbucks Barista, has been making me the best lattes with it.

Best of all, it’s so easy to use that even me, a super lazy and not very functional person, is able to make coffee with it.

KEYUCA Containers


KEYUCA (ケユカ) ハンドル付きストッカー (オフホワイト / 6.5L) おしゃれ キッチン 取っ手付き収納 (ハンドル付き/軽量/大容量)

These are amazing for storing and organizing things in your pantry, bathroom (where ours is), or just any old closet! The handles make it really easy to pull things out, especially from high spots, and it’s both deep and wide enough that it fits a lot but isn’t heavy. Make sure to check the measurements and find the one that works for your storage space! 


Lamily Automatic Foam Soap Dispenser

Lamily ソープディスペンサー 泡 300ml 【壊れにくいシンプルなディスペンサー】 自動 吐出量2段階調整 おしゃれ オート センサー


We have two of these and I’m a big fan. It’s sleek and easy to use. I will mention that one stopped working but they replaced the broken one for free without any questions.

Ecovacs Deebot

【自動ゴミ収集】ECOVACS(エコバックス)DEEBOT N8+ ロボット掃除機 マッピング 水拭き対応 強力吸引 お掃除ロボット 薄型 静音設計 自動充電

I bought this last year during Amazon’s Black Friday sale and although it isn’t perfect, it has certainly helped a ton. I’ve saved so much time not having to manually vacuum or empty out the bin (like I did for iLife) and during Black Friday, it’s considerably cheaper than a Roomba. The Ecovacs Deebot also has a mopping function, which means it’s an excellent two-in-one robot vacuum that’s certainly worth the price.

If you’re looking for something smaller, the SwitchBot is a good option (which we have on our first floor).


【セット販売】 【超小型】 SwitchBot ロボット掃除機 K10+ / 1年分アクセサリーセット 高精度マッピング - 2500pa強力吸引

And of course, if you want a Roomba, those are on sale as well

The i3+ model is quite cheap at almost 50% off and I think a really good deal except that it doesn’t mop. However, this model that’s also on sale has the mopping function! 

SONY Flat Screen TV

ソニー 65V型 4K 液晶 テレビ ブラビア KJ-65X80WK Google TV Dolby

I’m including this because a friend asked my husband where we got our television from — which was a Black Friday sale on Amazon! However, we got HiSense, and now kind of wish we had gotten SONY or another domestic brand as the HiSense doesn’t connect well to our Bose TV speakers

I like this SONY as it has Chromecast built-in, voice search, and apparently good sound quality (so maybe we won’t even need the Bose speakers! Although the sound quality is really nice when we are able to pair it with the HiSense).

There are tons of other televisions on sale so if you’re in the market, it’s worth checking out. 

Anker Nebula Capsule 3 Laser

Anker Nebula (ネビュラ) Capsule 3 Laser(Google TV搭載 モバイルレーザープロジェクター)【レーザープロジェクター / 300ANSI


We got this so we could have fun big-screen movie nights in different rooms in the house and it has been amazing so far. It’s small so we can bring it with us on trips, has a built-in speaker, and the picture quality is way better than I could have imagined. I also like that it has popular streaming services like Prime and Netflix. 


Happy shopping and let me know if you’ve found any good deals that should be shared! 


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As a small token of my appreciation, I'll also send you a FREE Japanese and English printable to help your little one learn all about words associated with winter in Japan ⛄️

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