2023 Christmas Gifts for Babies, Toddlers, and Kids in Japan

Last Updated on November 28, 2023 by Kay
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If you’re still thinking about what to get a little one for Christmas, I’ve got you covered! おもちゃ情報net asked retailers what they think are the hottest toys in Japan for kids in 2023 and here are the results!
Personally, I love looking at how these lists change every year and what new toys are being developed for kids. It’s really interesting to see the evolution of toys throughout the years.
Some of these products are on sale as well for Amazon’s Black Friday, which is why I thought I would share this list now rather than later!
(Psst, some of the toys from last year’s list might be even cheaper since they’re not the latest, so consider those as well! Little kids really don’t care!)
Needless to say, this post contains affiliate links. Any compensation I receive (at absolutely zero extra cost to you) will go directly to the yearly hosting fee of this website so I can keep it going for as long as possible.
🎁🎄Ranking of the Best Toys in Japan for Christmas 2023🎄🎁
Developmental Toys for Babies and Toddlers
First Place:アンパンマン 自然の恵 お米からうまれたつみきDX
Recommended Age Range: Newborn and up
Anpanman is a beloved children’s cartoon character in Japan. Typically products match his not-so-aesthetic yellow and red tones but these blocks are surprisingly in cute pastel shades!
Best of all, these Japan-made blocks contain all-natural ingredients such as rice, making them safe for babies to play with and chew on.
Some blocks also make sounds! All these reasons are likely why this won a 2023 Japan Toy Award.
Second Place: Thomas and Friends きかんしゃトーマス レッツゴー大冒険!
Recommended Age Range: 3 years and up
If your kid is a fan of Thomas the Tank Engine, then they might enjoy this interactive toy. Kids can use various levers, buttons, and slides to send Thomas and his friends through a complex but fun course. Best of all, it doesn’t require batteries!
Third Place: かまどでぷく~♪ジャムおじさんのやきたてパン工場DX
Recommended Age Range: 3 years and up
I am not surprised about seeing another Anpanman toy make the Top 3 of this category! If my daughter saw this, she would lose her mind. She loves playing restaurant so playing bakery would be right up her alley.
This Deluxe version even comes with a cute drink machine!
Other Runner-ups
Recommended Age Range: 1.5 years and up
This Anpanman doll talks (in Japanese) with kids by responding to your child’s voice or touch.
Recommended Age Range: 3 to 6 years
Yet another Anpanman toy! This one allows kids to move Anpanman cars throughout a course by simply moving levers or pushing buttons. No batteries required!
アンパンマン もっと知りたい!ことばずかんPremium & ものしりずかん 大集合セット
Recommended Age Range: 1.5 years and up
This is something that I had considered getting my daughter for her second birthday. It’s an electronic book that allows children to learn different words in both English and Japanese by touching an object on the page with a pen (there’s a total of 2800 words!). It seems really fun and educational, and is on sale for Black Friday!
Hape ハペ パウンド アンド タップ ベンチ
Recommended Age Range: Newborn (really?) and up
This is such a cute and interactive play set that includes a xylophone and little balls that kids can hammer out so it rolls along the keys. I like how compact it is, too.
Educational Toys for Toddlers and Children
First Place: ちいかわラーニングパソコン
Recommended Age Range: 3 years and up
I’m surprised to see that they’ve made a Chiikawa laptop for kids, which just came out! My daughter has this Disney Princess one, which has been great to give her when I’m working as she likes to pretend she’s working as well.
Chiikawa is super popular in Japan right now so if your kid is a fan, they might enjoy this! It contains both educational STEM material as well as more simple and fun content such as interacting with the characters, getting items for them, and designing their room. (As I write this, I suddenly really want to get this for my daughter!)
Second Place:ポケモンスタディ 光るぜっ!ポケモンタイピングPC
Recommended Age Range: 3 years and up
Another computer has made it into the top three, this time Pokemon-themed and featuring all the characters from the newest season! (My daughter is a huge fan of Sprigatito.)
Kids can learn a variety of things such as how to type by looking at the lit-up keys, programming, math, English, and have fun playing mini games.
This item is also on sale for Black Friday.
Third Place:ヘッドセットではいしん?!カメラもIN!マウスできせかえ!すみっコぐらしパソコンMYLIVE
Recommended Age: 6 years and up
This Sumikko Gurashi laptop is all kinds of adorable, especially the headphones with a mic and cat ears!
Unlike the other laptops, this one is geared towards older kids. It also looks like kids can pretend to do live videos (hence the MYLIVE in the name), so I guess it’s that era now!
Other Runner-ups
すみっコぐらし Wi-Fiでつながる!みんなとつながる!すみっコパッド 8インチ
Recommended Age Range: 5 years and up
This Sumikko Gurashi tablet connects to WiFi (with parental controls) so kids can do a variety of activities and access over 50 apps that help with language learning, math, and programming, as well as play fun games.
Gakkenニューブロック ローリングキュー スタンダードセット
Recommended Age Range: 4 years and up
Kids can use their imagination to freely create various paths for balls using blocks.
ダイヤブロック OKOMEIRO(オコメイロ)L
Recommended Age Range: 3 years and up
These are very similar to Legos but made of rice! They are also less sharp, so maybe accidentally stepping on one won’t hurt as much. I also like the compact box the blocks come in.
ダイヤブロック HIKARIIRO(ヒカリイロ)M
Recommended Age Range: 3 years and up
Made by the same company as the blocks above, these ones are more clear, allowing light to shine through and make them glow beautifully.
パウ・パトロール あそびもまなびもパウっとかいけつ! ワンダフルパウパッド
Recommended Age Range: 3 years and up
This is a Paw Patrol tablet that allows children to complete missions with the pups or learn hiragana, the alphabet, programming, or math. There are also animation scenes, which younger children might appreciate.
(I’ll be honest, though, the reviews aren’t great.)
Children’s Television and Cartoon Characters
First Place: BEYBLADE X BX-07 スタートダッシュセット
Recommended Age Range: 6 years and up
I didn’t even know that Beyblades are still a thing! Honestly, I don’t know what makes this Beyblade in particular amazing for it to be in first place so if you have an idea, let me know!
Second Place: 変身ベルト DXガッチャードライバー
Recommended Age Range: 3 years and up
This is the latest Kamen Rider transformation belt so if your kid is watching it, they might appreciate getting this!
Third Place: 弾き語りハチワレ
Recommended Age Range: 6 years and up
Another Chiikawa product, this one is an interactive toy that sways and sings. It will also continue singing if you give it a round of applause.
Other Runner-ups
なんかまねしてぶるぶるまわるやつ うさぎ
Recommended Age Range: 3 years and up
Yet another fuzzy Chiikawa toy, this rabbit moves around when you talk to it and mimics your voice.
ちいかわ ゆめのむちゃでかおしゃべりプリンハウス
Recommended Age Range: 6 years and up
Chiikawa is on a roll in this section! This little Chiikawa pudding house is super cute (I mean, look at those strawberries!) and seems fairly compact so it won’t take up much room.
カメラでリンク! ポケモン図鑑 スマホロトム
Recommended Age Range: 4 years and up
This is like a little smartphone that has a camera that allows kids to find Pokemon based on colors and catch them anywhere (almost like Pokemon Go). They can also play various games on it.
This toy also won a 2023 Japan Toy Award.
Recommended Age Range: 3 years and up
This is a character from the currently running Pretty Cure! (or Precure) series. Kids can feed and take care of her in different ways. She also talks!
Dolls and Toys for Playing House
First Place: シルバニアファミリー 赤い屋根の大きなお家 -屋根裏はひみつのお部屋-
Recommended Age Range: 3 years and up
Sylvanian Families is hugely popular in Japan, especially considering the utter cuteness of the tiny woodland characters. There are smaller houses but this one has more than enough room for a large Sylvanian Family or two to reside (and your child to play). This house in particular has a secret room (more like an attic).
This made 1st place last year in the same category. It’s also on sale for Black Friday!
Second Place: キラっとカラチェン ジェラートリカちゃん
Recommended Age Range: 3 years and up
This is the latest Licca-chan doll that kids can style by putting various items in her hair. Her hair can also change color!
My daughter has the older version of this where only the hair color changes but you don’t have as many cool hair accessories, so I think this one is even better!
Third Place:リカちゃん ブランコとすべりだいのあるラ・メゾン
Recommended Age Range: 3 years and up
This Licca-chan dollhouse with accessories is great for storing in Japanese homes since it folds into a little briefcase. This makes it also great for traveling!
My daughter has a very basic Precure version of this and although I would have loved to get her a proper dollhouse, we don’t have the space at the moment (she has too many other toys) so this gets the job done when she wants to play with it. Otherwise, we fold it up and store it in her closet.
Other Runner-ups
シルバニアファミリー ひみつの森の大きな滝
Recommended Age Range: 3 years and up
This is the latest addition to the cute Sylvanian Families residences, and how adorable is it? I love the fairy tale and adventuring vibes with the forest, waterfall, and of course a castle.
シルバニアファミリー ゆめいろマーメイドキャッスル
Recommended Age Range: 3 years and up
I got this Sylvanian Families toy for my daughter for her 4th birthday and she LOVES it. In fact, we just played with it yesterday. It’s an underwater amusement park with little mermaids and princesses, but the characters can also go on adventures on the boat, which also contains a hot air balloon!
だっこして ネルン いっしょにおでかけセット ふわふわこねこ
Recommended Age Range: 3 years and up
I can see my daughter loving this because it’s purple, a cat, and a baby! It also makes sounds and closes its eyes when it “sleeps”.
Recommended Age Range: 3 years and up
Kids can pretend to work at Baskin Robbins and serve different kinds of ice cream. They can also change the color or “flavors” of the ice cream by using water!
ソラン おしゃれセット=ミニーマウス=
Recommended Age Range: 3 years and up
This is a great gift for any kid that’s a fan of Minnie. Kids can also take the doll with them into the bath!
Arts and Crafts
First Place: シールランドリーナ すみっコぐらし
Recommended Age Range: 6 years and up
This is an interesting Sumikko Gurashi toy where kids place a hologram sticker onto a piece of paper that has their favorite Sumikko character on it. After, they place that into a “washing machine” and then dry it on a little hanger to finish it off!
Second Place:アメールアメール
Recommended Age Range: 5 years and up
Kids can create hair accessories and a bag using this loom-like toy and the included materials.
Third Place: MIR COLORS ライトアップ [ドレッサーコスメセット
Recommended Age Range: 6 years and up
This is a deluxe vanity set with makeup, so it might be a nice gift for kids who are starting to become interested in trying out makeup.
Other Runner-ups
ぷにょぷにょアクアリウム 海のなかまを作って遊ぼう 11色12本セット
Recommended Age Range: Not sure
This actually looks like a lot of fun. I mean, I’m not very coordinated so I can see myself messing up the faces but I think my kid would have fun creating all the little sea creatures!
はじめてのアクアビーズ バリューパック
Recommended Age Range: 6 years and up
Aquabeads are pretty cool in that all they need is a spray of water for the beads to set into a desired shape. I haven’t tried it out myself but I am very curious and will try this out with my daughter.
アクアビーズ すみっコぐらし スペシャルセット
Recommended Age Range: 6 years and up
And to make trying out Aquabeads even more tempting, they’ve made a Sumikko Gurashi version!
(I may have added this to my Amazon Wish List and gotten my daughter the mini version for Christmas this year. Although it states age 6, I think it should be fine to try using it with her as long as I am supervising.)
パーラービーズ 星のカービィ
Recommended Age Range: 5 years and up
Unlike Aquabeads, these are more traditional type ones that you iron to set the shape. The set comes with a whopping 3000 beads that you can use to create Kirby and friends!
Vehicles and Animals
First Place: トミカ スライダーパーキング50
Recommended Age Range: 3 years and up
Tomicars (トミカ) are super popular in Japan with little kids so it makes sense one of their toys would be in first place in this category.
Kids can race cars down four different slides. There is also storage space for tons of cars. Batteries not required!
Second Place: アソビも!パーツも!大ボリューム!プラレールベストセレクションセット
Recommended Age Range: 3 years and up
Kids in Japan love trains so of course toy shinkansen (bullet trains) would make it to second place.
This has 22 parts that can create more than seven layouts or routes.
Third Place: トミカ ジョブレイバー DXスカイブレイバー ANAジェット旅客機
Recommended Age Range: 3 years and up
It’s an ANA plane! No wait, it’s a mecha robot! The ultimate two-in-one gift for fans of both.
Other Runner-ups
なおしてあげる!こねこのおいしゃさん チェリー/グレープ
Recommended Age Range: 3 years and up
This is yet another toy that I can see my daughter wanting. She’s obsessed with cats and pink, and would love to pretend to be a vet to help the poor, sick kitty. The cat can also make 60 different sounds!
プラレール 5周年!トミカと遊ぼう!くるぞわたるぞ!カンカン踏切DXセット
Recommended Age Range: 3 years and up
This is a simple rail set but is also award-winning, making it a great beginner set for kids.
冒険大陸 アニアキングダム 爆裂変形!バトルボルケーノ
Recommended Age Range: 3 years and up
This might be a hit with dinosaur fans. There are tons of dinos inside a volcano and they can battle each other! Unfortunately, the reviews don’t seem great and it seems to fall apart easily.
Recommended Age Range: 3 years and up
This is a pretty cute toy! Kids can pretend to catch fish from a toy boat and even sell them in a market.
Games and Puzzles
First Place: ルービックキューブチャレンジアップセット
Recommended Age Range: 6 years and up
I was surprised to see Rubix Cubes in first place! This set comes with three different cubes that have a different number of rows, so once a kid completes the easiest one, they can move onto solving more complicated cubes.
Second Place: アスレチックランドゲーム シーアドベンチャー
Recommended Age Range: 5 years and up
In this game, kids need to push, twist, and move levers to move a ball throughout a course.
Third Place: 人生ゲーム
Recommended Age Range: 6 years and up
The Game of Life is known and played worldwide, so it’s nice that this classic game has remained strong throughout the years and made it into the Top 3 for this category.
Other Runner-ups
RC ガチンコレーサー
Recommended Age Range: 5 years and up
Your kid can have bumper cars in their very own home! But much smaller versions without themselves inside and are remote-controlled.
Recommended Age Range: 8 years and up
This is a game for older kids that is a lot like charades but you can only act out a situation on a card by making facial expressions or a sound.
すみっコぐらし すみっコクレーンゲーム
Recommended Age Range: 4 years and up
If your kid likes crane games, then they might enjoy this mini Sumikko-themed one.
First Place: ちいかわといっしょDXセット シリーズ
Recommended Age Range: 6 years and up
This is a cute portable Chiikawa toy that seems kind of like an upgraded Tamagotchi. Kids can take care of their Chiikawa, play with them, dress them up, and also play games wherever they are!
Second Place: とびだせ!きゅーびっつ
Recommended Age Range: 6 years and up
This is the ultimate digital pet that kids can touch directly — not through a screen! The pet can evolve and kids can also unlock additional characters by playing games.
Third Place: Tamagotchi Uni シリーズ
Recommended Age Range: 6 years and up
This isn’t the Tamagotchi of my childhood! It’s colorful with different rooms and settings for the Tamagotchi, and the Tamagotchi can interact with others around the world through the Tamaverse. Kids can also wear it as a watch, but I guess that’s the most basic feature of this!
Other Runner-ups
バズゅCam むてきパープル/ときめきミント
Recommended Age Range: 6 years and up
This handheld toy camera comes on a selfie stick to make taking pictures with others easier. Kids can also play games and edit their photos with stamps or funny scenes.
ぷにるんず ぷにぷらす
Recommended Age Range: 6 years and up
This made first place for two years in a row but it seems to be demoted in 2023.
If your child wants a virtual pet, this would be a great gift. By putting their finger inside the toy, they can touch and interact in various ways with their little virtual pet. It comes in three different colors: purple, pink, and blue. It also comes with 55 different characters!
ふわもちWow!パンビーナ バターブレット/スイーツロール
Recommended Age Range: 6 years and up
Kids mix together the included ingredients and then put the batter into the toy oven to create a cake-like pet that even smells like sweets.
If you’re interested in browsing other 2023 Christmas gifts in Japan according to age, check out this page on Amazon Japan.