Top 2022 Christmas Presents for Kids in Japan

Last Updated on December 6, 2022 by Kay
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It’s December, which means Christmas is just around the corner!
Just like last year, I’ll be sharing toys that Japanese retailers indicated in a poll are the hottest for kids in 2022. Of course, if your child is like mine they may already know what they want, but it’s always fun to see the change in popular toys every year.
🎁🎄2022 Ranking of the Hottest Toys in Japan for Christmas🎄🎁
Developmental Toys for Toddlers
First Place: パウ・パトロール にほんご・えいご・クイズも! おしゃべりパウフェクトずかん
Recommended Age Range: 3 years and up
Paw Patrol is incredibly popular with children in Japan (maybe worldwide as it’s huge in Canada as well), so it’s not surprising to me that this is in first place. This interactive electronic book allows children to learn about the names of various things such as animals, vehicles, etc in both English and Japanese. They can also learn hiragana, the alphabet, and how to make simple sentences.
Second Place: ピッ! と注文 料理をお届け! アンパンマンのフードデリバリー
Recommended Age Range: 3 to 6 years
Anpanman is another huge character for toddlers in Japan, and given how popular delivery apps have become during the pandemic, it’s natural for little kiddos to want to try playing food delivery themselves. This toy set comes with nine different dishes like pizza and ramen, an Anpanman delivery driver with a box on the back of his bike that your child can put the food inside, as well as a little smartphone (tablet?) and credit card. Your child can order using the phone, which talks and confirms the order or sometimes lets you know that it’s completely sold out!
Third Place: おにぎりもギュッ! シューッとたけたよ! おしゃべりすいはんきと元気100ばいSP和食セット
Recommended Age Range: 3 to 6 years
My daughter has wanted this since last year but I decided that since she had so many cooking-related toys already, I would get her something else. This toy set comes with everything a child needs to pretend to make and enjoy a healthy Japanese meal, including an interactive rice cooker that has three different modes. Kids can also learn how to properly serve Japanese food.
Other Runner-ups
すみっコぐらし キッチンセットDX
Recommended Age Range: 6 years and up
Sumikko Gurashi is yet another popular series in Japan, so it’s no wonder children in Japan are drawn to this cute kitchen featuring the characters. It also comes with kitchen utensils and cute baked goods so kids can pretend to make yummy sweets like cupcakes.
Recommended Age Range: 3 to 6 years
If your child loves the outdoors, they might enjoy this little camp set. It comes with things like a little lantern, a hotdog, and binoculars so they can pretend to be camping in the outdoors. Best of all, the tent folds up, so it doesn’t take up much room when it’s not being used.
おさつスイスイ!セルフでピピッ♪ アンパンマンレジスターDX
Recommended Age Range: 1.5 years and up
This is another toy I feel like my daughter would absolutely love as she enjoys pretending to shop. It comes with an interactive register as well as different items for sale that your child might recognize like an Anpanman chocolate lollipop.
Recommended Age Range: 3 years and up
This speaker won the Japanese Toy Award in 2022 for the educational toy category. After you record your voice with the speaker, it will read stories to your child in your voice! I will admit that I don’t really get this, I would rather read stories to my child myself, but it did receive an award so I suppose you don’t know how good it is until you try it out!
Recommended Age Range: 3 years and up
Another Anpanman toy! This one looks pretty fun. After building the set, your child can roll (ころころ) down a little Anpanman bread as if it’s being baked and sent down an assembly line. It also comes with different characters your child can play with.
Educational Toys for Toddlers and Children
First Place: すみっコぐらし WiFiでつながる!みんなとつながる!すみっコパッド8インチ
Recommended Age Range: 5 years and up
There are quite a bit of toy tablets on the market, but this particular one is not only for Sumikko Gurashi fans but also connects to Wi-Fi, which allows your child to send messages to friends with the same tablet and access tons of other educational content.
Second Place: カメラもIN!マウスできせかえ!すみっコぐらしパソコン プレミアムプラス
Recommended Age Range: 6 years and up
Last year’s version of this Sumikko Gurashi toy laptop received first place last year in this category. This year, there is a premium plus version that comes with a mouse pad and adaptor. It also contains 110 applications and 183 different things to do that involve programming, mathematics, English, writing, games, music, and more.
Third Place: ポケットモンスター ポケモン ピカッとアカデミー マウスでゲットパソコン プラス
Recommended Age: 4 years and up
The previous version of this Pokemon laptop also made last year’s list. For this year, there is a Plus version that has a new appearance and tons more content that helps children can learn various things such as how to use a computer, basic programming, mathematics, and English. And since this is a Pokemon laptop, they can also play Pokemon-themed games and capture Pokemon as well.
Other Runner-ups
アンパンマン 見て!触って!学べるあいうえお カラーナビキッズタブレット
Recommended Age Range: 2 years and up
This simple tablet comes with six sheets that will help your child learn about katakana, greetings, shapes, colors, and more. It also contains 600 questions for your child, which are asked by various characters.
Recommended Age Range: 6 years and up
This is a Kumon toy that helps your child learn problem-solving and programming skills in an interactive and tactile way. It comes with five levels to challenge your child and strengthen their skills.
ドリームスイッチ 日本の昔話と世界の童話50
Recommended Age Range: Not sure!
The Dream Switch projects over 120 different Japanese stories and fairy tales onto the ceiling or wall to help your child fall asleep.
おしゃべりハト時計 レッド
Recommended Age Range: 6 years and up
My daughter loves cuckoo clocks; however, the real deal tends to be quite expensive. This is why I was pleasantly surprised to find a toy version that doesn’t break the bank and is small and portable. It not only teaches your child about the time but also says 130 different things. Your child can use it as a timer and alarm clock as well.
Recommended Age Range: 8 years and up
This interactive world atlas contains 11o pages and VR goggles that will allow your child to immerse themselves in the different cultures and topography around the world.
Children’s Television and Cartoon Characters
First Place: 変身ベルト DXデザイアドライバー
Recommended Age Range: 3 years and up
Kamen Rider is one of the most (if not the most) popular superheroes for Japanese boys, so just like last year, the newest Kamen Rider’s henshin or transformation belt made it to the top of the list in this category.
Second Place: ポケモン めちゃナゲ!モンスターボール
Recommended Age Range: 4 years and up
This is a fun new toy for Pokemon fans that just came out. Kids make a throwing motion with the Pokeball to catch more than the Pokemon on the screen. Somewhat similar to Pokemon Go, there are different ways you can throw the ball to increase your chances of catching the Pokemon. There are more than 300 Pokemon, including legendary ones so your child will have fun trying to catch them all! Your child can also use the Pokemon they caught to battle.
Third Place: カードできせかえ!すみっコぐらしPhone
Recommended Age Range: 6 years and up
This Sumikko Gurashi phone isn’t actually a phone but instead has the appearance of one. It contains various games, educational drills and exercises, as well as a camera, and comes with four different Sumikko covers that kids can easily alternate between. Children can also exchange items and play with their Sumikko characters with friends who also have one of these phones.
Other Runner-ups
トミカ ジョブレイバー デッキアップ&出動!DXブレイバートランスポーター
Recommended Age Range: 3 years and up
For kids who love vehicles, this would be an excellent gift. The police car contains several other cars as well as a… robot?
モンコレ 激闘!アタックスタジアム
Recommended Age Range: 4 years and up
This interactive Pokemon stadium with battle sounds and lights allows children to battle their Pokemon in different ways.
Recommended Age Range: 3 years and up
This is a toy from the latest Super Sentai (Power Rangers) called Avataro Sentai Donbrothers, so if your kid is a fan of this show, it’s likely they’ll like this toy.
This is another toy from the same series. It reminds me of a glam Megazord (am I giving away my age?).
ちいかわ はしる!ちいかわ・ハチワレ・うさぎ
Recommended Age Range: 3 years and up
This toy comes with tracks shaped like puzzle pieces, so your child can have fun making different kinds of routes for the cute rabbit train.
Dolls and Toys for Playing House
First Place: シルバニアファミリー 赤い屋根の大きなお家 -屋根裏はひみつのお部屋
Recommended Age Range: 3 years and up
Sylvania Family is hugely popular in Japan, especially considering the utter cuteness of the tiny woodland characters. There are smaller houses but this one has more than enough room for a large Sylvania Family to reside (and your child to play). This house in particular has a secret room (more like an attic).
Second Place: すみっコぐらし ピピッとスキャンでおかいもの!すみっコセルフレジスター
Recommended Age Range: 3 years and up
This has got to be the coolest toy register I’ve seen so far. When an item is scanned, the name and price show up on the register! The buttons also have functions unlike other registers, including a touchpad for the credit card machine. You can also rack up points! This is definitely something I am considering getting my daughter in the future (I think she is a little too young for it right now and will just lose everything).
Third Place: リカちゃん ゆめdecoパティシエ ポンポンホイップ
Recommended Age Range: 3 years and up
Other Runner-ups
This Licca-chan toy won a 2022 Japan Toy Award. Kids can have fun with Licca-chan baking and decorating small, colorful toy cakes.
シルバニアファミリー ゆめいろマーメイドキャッスル
Recommended Age Range: 3 years and up
I can definitely see my daughter wanting this Sylvania Family Mermaid Castle, the underwater version of the amusement park. (I kind of want it too, it’s so cute!)
オーブンでやきたて すみっコパンやさん
Recommended Age Range: 3 years and up
Another Sumikko Gurashi toy, and another toy I think my daughter would be obsessed with. Kids can pretend to bake, sell or buy cute Sumikko Gurashi bread.
Recommended Age Range: 3 years and up
Kids can curl and straighten Licca-chan’s hair using the included hair styling tools.
Arts and Crafts
First Place: トリミングペットサロン(2種)
Recommended Age Range: 6 years and up
This toy won the Japan Toy Award for the most innovative toy. Kids can tame and style the toy dog’s messy hair by using the included tools.
Second Place: リアルミシン ファッションスタジオ
Recommended Age Range: 6 years and up
This item is perfect for children who enjoy creating things and are interested in sewing. They can make five different items, such as a pouch or hair accessories, using the included material. It’s also safe for kids as there’s a cover over the needle. I will note, though, that the reviews for this aren’t that great so far.
Third Place: アクアビーズ 【すみっコぐらしおでかけトランク】
Recommended Age Range: 6 years and up
Kids can create different Sumikko Gurashi characters using the aqua beads in this set, and then seal the beads together using only water! Much safer than the ironing method. It comes with 2500 beads, some in metallic colors and others in star shapes.
Other Runner-ups
おうちで星空さんぽ キラキラ万華鏡 すみっコぐらし
Recommended Age Range: 6 years and up
Kids can use beads to create different patterns for a Sumikko Gurashi kaleidoscope that is then projected onto the ceiling.
パーラービーズ ポケットモンスター クリスタルケースセット
Recommended Age Range: 5 years and up
Unlike the previous two bead art sets in this list, this Pokemon-themed set requires an iron to fuse the beads together. It is cheaper, though!
リカちゃん パシャッとめちゃばえ メイクパクト
Recommended Age Range: 3 years and up
This is an adorable, compact-sized Rika-chan toy that allows kids to take pictures of themselves and decorate it with makeup, stickers, frames, etc. They can also play different games.
すみっコぐらし にじいろスイーツ スペシャルセット
Recommended Age Range: 8 years and up
Kids can decorate little Sumikko Gurashi-themed toy sweets using faux decoration cream called Whipple and cute Sumikko characters.
パーラービーズ すみっコぐらし オールスターセット
Recommended Age Range: 5 years and up
Kids can create 28 different types of Sumikko Gurashi characters using beads.
Recommended Age Range: 6 years and up
Bring kaiten zushi home with this adorable vehicle set that won a 2022 Japan Toy Award. But it’s not your typical kaiten zushi — kids can make their own sushi rolls using the vehicle and gadgets on the track! (I was watching the video of this with my daughter and she said, “Umai! I want it, can I eat it?”)
パチェリエ ロイヤルホワイトDX
Recommended Age Range: 6 years and up
This set allows kids to easily create their own bags and pouches by placing square pieces on a design sheet and then attaching them together using fasteners. No sewing or glue required!
Vehicles and Animals
First Place: トミカ変形出動! ビッグファイヤ & コマンドステーション
Recommended Age Range: 3 years and up
This fire station comes packed with different fire trucks and ambulances. The large firetruck also holds the smaller ones, which can launch from it. It has 40 different sounds so kids can enjoy pretending to be a firefighter.
Second Place: 夢中をキミに!プラレールベストセレクションセット
Recommended Age Range: 3 years and up
Kids in Japan love trains so it’s no surprise a toy train would make it into the top three of this category. This one comes with 24 pieces that kids can arrange to make six different kinds of layouts.
Third Place: レーシングカートRCマリオ
Recommended Age Range: 6 years and up
If your child is a fan of Mario, then they might enjoy this remote control Mario car just like from Mario Kart. I can see this being fun for adults as well!
Other Runner-ups
Recommended Age Range: 3 years and up
This adorable toy moves around and comes to you when you call it, making it feel like you have your own pet penguin!
Recommended Age Range: 6 years and up
Dino fans might like this remote-control-operated dinosaur that has cool vapor coming out of its mouth that appears a fiery red thanks to LED lights.
ココさかだちして もっと!なかよしセット
Recommended Age Range: 6 years and up
This adorable dog can do 24 different movements, such as walking and doing tricks. It also comes with a little puppy that can ride on its back — how cute is that?! Other accessories included are a bag, bone, brush, and trimming scissors.
アニア 自由にくみかえ!サファリ動物園
Recommended Age Range: 3 years and up
I can see my daughter loving this safari set. It comes with different animals and pieces that allow your child to create various interactive routes for their safari.
チョロQ プレイセットA
Recommended Age Range: 6 years and up
This is a little robot control car that won a Japan Toy Award. It comes with a smart controller that lets you input the movements (although it seems a little complicated to me? I might just be too old!).
Games and Puzzles
First Place: アスレチックランドゲーム
Recommended Age Range: 6 years and up
In this game, kids use different buttons to move a silver ball through an obstacle course. Whoever can get their ball through the course successfully wins!
Second Place: 人生ゲーム ゴールデンドリーム
Recommended Age Range: 6 years and up
This is another The Game of Life; however, this version comes with a Golden Island filled with treatures.
Third Place: スリルタワー
Recommended Age Range: 6 years and up
Similar to Jenga, in this game, you have to move pillars that are holding up a tower without having everything collapse.
Other Runner-ups
すみっコぐらし すみっコピンポン流れ星ラリーゲーム
Recommended Age Range: 5 years and up
It’s not surprising that the ever-popular Sumikko Gurashi has its own game that has made it onto this list. This Japan Toy Award-winning game is similar to Ping Pong except with cute Sumikko characters as the players.
元祖モグラたたきゲームシリーズ 飛びだせ!いかりの親分モグラ
Recommended Age Range: 3 years and up
Bring the fun of Whack-a-Mole home with you with this game. There are four moles that can be arranged in various ways so that the game becomes more challenging.
Recommended Age Range: 6 years and up
This is another game I think my daughter would love because she’s obsessed with ghosts and anything Halloween. Kids need to shoot ghosts that are projected on the wall by a skeleton. Whoever shoots the most ghosts wins!
Recommended Age Range: 6 years and up
If your kid (or even you) is a fan of the game Othello, then they might enjoy this 3D version that won a Japan Toy Award in 2022.
First Place: ぷにるんず ぷにぷらす
Recommended Age Range: 6 years and up
Last year’s version of this toy got first place in the same category last year. If your child wants a virtual pet, this would be a great gift. By putting their finger inside the toy, they can touch and interact in various ways with their little virtual pet. It comes in three different colors: purple, pink, and blue. It also comes with 55 different characters! I love how this year’s version has cute little animal ears as well.
Second Place: Tamagotchi Smart セットシリーズ
Recommended Age Range: 6 years and up
This is another toy that held the same place last year. This a huge upgrade from the Tamagochi I grew up with! For one, it’s a smartwatch. Next, the screen and the Tamagotchi are in color. And the best thing is that you can interact with the Tamagochi, such as pet it, by touching the screen or talking to it. Best of all, this year’s version is an anniversary set that comes with a character book and a card that reveals more characters!
Third Place: ユニトロボーン ユニトロボシリーズ
Recommended Age Range: 3 years and up
If your child likes transforming toys, then this one is bound to make them happy. A single robot can transform into two different things, such as a shark and a vending machine! It’s also very affordable, with some under 1ooo yen, making it a great stocking stuffer.
Other Runner-ups
スーパーマリオ フィギュアコレクション DXプレイセット クッパ戦艦
Recommended Age Range: 6 years and up
Mario fans would love this Bowser ship that plays sounds from the game and stores characters.
ナノブロック ダイナソーDX ティラノサウルス レックス
Recommended Age Range: 12 years and up
This Tyrannosaurus Nanoblock set is a gift idea for those who like dinosaurs and building things.
ふしぎなわたげ フワモコロン
Recommended Age Range: 6 years and up
A fluffy ball? A cat? How about both? This pet also has various modes so it can do things like move around and talk as well.
すみっコぐらし みんなでキャンディきゃっち
Recommended Age Range: 6 years and up
This Sumikko Gurashi toy is based off of crane games and the moving tray types where you can get prizes such as candy. Maybe it’ll help train your kid enough so they’ll be a pro at the real thing? This also won a Japan Toy Award for 2022.
LaQ ボーナスセット
Recommended Age Range: 5 years and up
Just like last year, LaQ has made this list again, but this time it’s a bonus set that comes with 1200 pieces and allows children to build over 100 different models!
Is there anything on the list you’re interested in for your child or even for yourself? Or perhaps something that surprised you? Let me know in the comments!
If you’re interested in browsing other 2022 Christmas gifts in Japan according to age, check out this page on Amazon Japan.