Amazon Japan New Year Hatsuuri Deals for Babies and Toddlers

sale baby products japan

Last Updated on January 3, 2022 by Kay

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Hatsuuri (初売り) means the first (hatsu/初) sale (uri/売り) of the year, and shops are packed with people trying to get great deals. In fact, I got some products for my daughter at these sales when I was pregnant. Hatsuuri sales start on January 1st or 2nd, but if you don’t want to go out and face the crowds, or just want to enjoy shopping from the comfort of your own home, Amazon Japan has got you covered. Their 初売り sale runs from January 3rd to January 6th and although it’s the first big sale of the year, there won’t be another one for a few months as far as I know.

As always, I’ve compiled a list of what I think are great deals for parents in Japan. If you’re interested in any of the items below, click on their name or image to be taken to their Amazon retailer.

This post contains affiliate links. Any compensation I receive (at no extra cost to any of you) will go directly to the yearly hosting fee of this website so I can keep it going for as long as possible to help other parents or parents-to-be in the future.


Hatsuuri Deals in Japan For Baby and Toddler Products



If you need to pick up some diapers, Merries, Pampers, Mamy Poko, Moony, Genki and GOO.N are all on sale. As always, we grabbed L-size Merries pull-up diapers. If you have a newborn or are going to have a baby soon, try these Merries First Premium ones!

【テープ 新生児サイズ】メリーズ ファーストプレミアム (お誕生~新生児用5000g) [ケース品] 2倍やわらかカシミヤタッチ 【限定】新生児サイズ (216個)

If you need some help narrowing down which diapers to get, check out my review on diapers in Japan for newborns as well as pants-type ones.

Wipes by brands like Merries (my favorite) and Moony are also discounted, so if you want to stock up, now is the time!

【おしりふき 】ムーニーやわらか厚手 こすらずするりんっ 詰替 1920枚(60枚×32) [ケース品]

【おしりふき シングル やわらか厚手タイプ】メリーズ ファーストプレミアムプ 54枚×2パック×12個 [ケース品]

I’ve written a review of baby wipes in Japan, so have a read if you want to know more about why I think Merries wipes are the best.

Fisher-Price 5-in-1 Activity Book

I have something similar to this on my daughter’s stroller. It’s been there since Day 1 and she still loves playing with it. And at this price, it’s a great deal.

フィッシャープライス(fisher price) シグニチャーシリーズ おでかけ布えほん【0カ月~】【知育玩具】【布おもちゃ】【歯固め】FGJ40

Fisher-Price also has this cute Sanrio Baby one on sale:

マテル(MATTEL) フィッシャープライス(fisher price) サンリオベビー ふかふか布えほん【0カ月~】【知育玩具】【布おもちゃ】【歯固め】GXC11


Fisher-Price Bilingual Game Controller

I bought this for my daughter when she was a few months old and this is another item that she still plays with more than 2 years later. When I bought it, it was more than twice the price it’s listed at now! It speaks both English and Japanese, so your child can learn the words for colors, shapes, and numbers in both languages.

(I don’t know why but at one point, my daughter found it HILARIOUS when I would repeat the English words.)

フィッシャープライス(fisher price) バイリンガル・ゲームコントローラー 【6~36カ月】【赤ちゃん おもちゃ】【知育・英語・外国語】FXX43

Fisher-Price Bilingual Pocket Game

If you’re into nostalgia, this toy that looks like a Gameboy might be something fun to give your little one. It’s for children 6 months and up, although I will admit that the lights worry me a bit when it comes to possibly over-stimulating a young child.

フィッシャープライス(fisher price) バイリンガル・ポケットゲーム 【6~36カ月】【知育・英語・外国語】HBC92


Fisher-Price Stacking Rings

This is another toy at an excellent price. We got one from Daiso when my daughter was younger but I would have snagged this one in a heartbeat if it had been this cheap at the time. My daughter likes to use the rings as “donuts” now, so it’s certainly versatile!

マテル(MATTEL) フィッシャープライス(fisher price) ゆらりんタワー (Eco) 【6カ月~】【知育玩具】【プレゼント】GYW19

Fisher-Price Busy Activity Hive

This activity toy is simple but has a lot for your little one to do, such as drop bee-shaped coins inside, ring a bell, as well as spin, clack, and flip objects. All of these are meant to help develop your child’s tactile and auditory senses and fine motor skills.

フィッシャープライス(fisher price) 感覚を育てよう! コロコロおとそうミツバチ 【9カ月~】【知育玩具】GWB91

Fisher-Price Oyasumi Hello Kitty

This cuddly little toy is the perfect buddy for your little one when they sleep. It plays relaxing music, “sleeps” alongside your child, and is safe to clean in the washing machine.

マテル(MATTEL) フィッシャープライス(fisher price) サンリオベビー ポリエステル おやすみ ハローキティ 【保育士認定】【0カ月から】【知育玩具】【寝かしつけ】GXC57 レッド

Linkimals Play Together Panda

フィッシャープライス(fisher price) バイリンガル リンキマルズ パンダ 【9カ月~】【知育・英語・外国語】【保育士認定】GWM18

This award-winning bilingual toy teaches your child about shapes, numbers, greetings, and manners. It’s recommended for children 9 months and up. If you get other Linkimal toys, they can interact with each other!

Sanrio Musical Deluxe Gym

My daughter had a Bright Starts 5-in-1 gym when she was a baby and it was such a lifesaver. I could put her inside and make her breakfast and mine while she screamed in delight at the musical elephant and chewed on the toys.

Although that particular gym isn’t on sale, there are plenty of others that are half-off or more during this year’s hatsuuri sale.

This Sanrio Musical Deluxe Gym is such an adorable play gym that is guaranteed to keep your little one entertained!

フィッシャープライス(fisher price) サンリオベビー ミュージカル・デラックスジム【0カ月~】【知育玩具】【布おもちゃ】GXC10

If you’re not into Sanrio, Fisher-Price has a rainforest gym on sale right now, which also has more bells and whistles:

フィッシャープライス(fisher price) レインフォレスト・デラックスジムII 【0カ月~】【知育玩具】【布おもちゃ】DFP08

There’s also this sensory play gym that’s more than half-off:


フィッシャープライス(fisher price) パーフェクトセンスデラックスジム FXC37

If you’re looking for something smaller, this play gym is a good option:

フィッシャープライス(fisher price) レインフォレスト指遊びミュージカルジム 【0カ月~】【知育玩具】【布おもちゃ】CHP85

As well as this one that has a cute little keyboard that can be removed and played with when your child is older!

フィッシャープライス(fisher price) 【オンライン限定】 あんよでキック! 4WAYピアノジム 【日本正規品】【0カ月~ 感覚刺激 】【ベビージム・プレイマット】 BMH49

Fisher-Price Rainforest Jumperoo

My daughter loved playing in this when she was a baby. There’s a lot of different things to do other than jump, with hanging toys, spinning toys, lights and music. It does take up quite a bit of room but if you have the space, I highly recommend getting this to provide you with a short break while your little one bounces around. We were also able to re-sell it on Mercari for a great price!

フィッシャープライス レインフォレスト ジャンパルーII 【日本正規品】3カ月~ 赤ちゃん 幼児 子ども 幼児 乗用玩具 ジャンパー

There’s also a collapsible space-themed (!) one that I wish I had known about when my daughter was little because it would have saved so much room!

フィッシャープライス(fisher price) スペース・コンパクト・ジャンパルー 【日本正規品】 【4段階の高さ調節機能付き】 【首すわり~ 体重11.3㎏以下まで】GPT46

Carter’s Footed Pajamas

Footed pajamas are a must-have when it comes to keeping your little one nice and toasty in the winter. I was so surprised to see that Amazon Japan is selling them, and for a really good price! Best of all, it has a 2-way zipper, which makes diaper changes very easy.

[Simple Joys by Carter's] 2枚組 カバーオール フリース ベビー グレー スター/ミントグリーン



Fisher-Price Bilingual Learning Box

This toy is jam-packed with fun things for your little one to do, such as learn about numbers, colors, music, and shapes, as well as practice their hand-eye coordination. The toy is in both Japanese and English as well, so it’s great for a bilingual baby.

フィッシャープライス(fisher price) バイリンガル・ラーニングボックス 【6カ月~】【知育・英語・外国語】【プレゼント】DNY97

Baby Bear and Firefly Soother

This is a great 3-in-1 item that is supposed to help your little one sleep through the night. It has a nightlight (or lantern) that can project stars on the wall and plays soothing music and also comes with a plush bear.

フィッシャープライス(fisher price) おやすみくま ホタルライトとほしぞら 【0カ月~】【知育玩具】【寝かしつけ】【プロジェクター】GRR00

Browse other toys for infants on sale for Amazon’s 初売り sale.


MEGA BLOKS Paw Patrol Pup Pack

If your child likes Paw Patrol as much as mine does, this is a compact toy that will help with their building skills while they have fun playing with three characters from the show. I bought it as a Christmas present for my daughter and she LOVES it. It’s even a bit cheaper now than it was when we got it during Amazon’s Black Friday sale (of course).

メガブロック(MEGA BLOKS) パウ・パトロール ザ・ムービー スカイ・チェイス・マーシャルの出動! パウセンター 【3歳~】 HDX93

Pigeon Glass Bottle

I tried various bottles for my daughter when she was a baby and Pigeon was hands-down the best in terms of her being able to drink easily, being spill-proof, and being easy to clean.

The glass bottles are especially great in terms of quality (although are a bit heavy and can take a while to cool down).

【耐熱ガラス製 240ml】 ピジョン 母乳実感 哺乳びん Coating tree 0か月~

Richell Miffy Straw Mug 

I used Richell Straw Mugs when my daughter started to eat solid food and I’m more than happy to recommend their mugs to other parents in Japan. These mugs are durable, spill-proof, and were easy for my daughter to use.

リッチェル ミッフィー おでかけストローマグ 200 1個 200ml 7カ月

If you’re a fan of Pokemon, you might want to try this Combi mug set for babies ages 4 months to 6 months:

COMBI コンビ ポリプロピレン (PP) ラクマグ わくわくドリンクセット monpoke モンポケ

To check out other baby products that are on sale, such as swaddles, sleepers, strollers, car seats, and high chairs, click here

Fukubukuro for Babies and Toddlers

Fukubukuro (福袋) are “lucky bags” in Japan that are sold once or twice a year. Usually, they contain several items at a very discounted price. I’m quite a fan of these bags depending on the store, although recently I tend to look online after they’re sold to see if I like the contents before buying. (Of course, this leads to some being sold out.)

I got the 22,000 yen MIKIHOUSE fukubukuro for my daughter, which contained a dress, a sweatshirt, a pair of jeans, and two shirts. I was lucky that I bought it from a store so the staff let me see what was inside before I bought it. I’ll post a picture tomorrow (January 4th) for those of you who are interested in the contents. Note that each bag contains something different so when I looked on Twitter, some people got bags that I didn’t particularly like.

If you’re interested in trying out a fukubukuro for your little one, here are some brands offering ones for children:



Contains 4 or more clothing items.

【 ミキハウス 】 2022年 新春 福袋 男の子 女の子 キッズ ベビー


Contains 4 or more clothing items for fall, winter, and spring.

【 ミキハウス ダブルビー 】 2022年 新春 福袋 男の子 キッズ ベビー

Hot Biscuits MIKIHOUSE

Contains 5 clothing items.

Bandai Fukubukuro

There are plenty of Bandai fukubukuro containing clothing items featuring popular characters like Kamen Rider, Ultraman, and Pretty Cure.



Contains 4 or more clothing items.

【 ミキハウス 】 2022年 新春 福袋 男の子 女の子 キッズ ベビー


Contains 4 or more clothing items for fall, winter, and spring.

[ミキハウス ダブルビー] 2021年新春 福袋 64-9901-560 男の子 キッズ ベビー メンズ 90cm

Hot Biscuits MIKIHOUSE

Contains 5 clothing items.

Sanrio Hello Kitty Fukubukuro for Babies

Contains a tote bag, three tops, pants, and socks.

[サンリオ] ハローキティ福袋 519204 ベビー

For toddler sizes: 

[サンリオ] ハローキティ福袋 519204 ガールズ マルチカラー 100


Hatsuuri Deals in Japan For Parents

Alexa Echo Show 5

We have Google Home but my husband wanted to try Alexa in particular because this one has a smart display, and I’m really glad that we made the switch! The Echo Show lets you make video calls, displays pictures, and can play shows using services like Netflix and Amazon Prime Video. We bought it on the first day of Amazon’s Black Friday sale last year and so far we love it!


Echo Show 5 (エコーショー5) 第2世代 - スマートディスプレイ with Alexa、2メガピクセルカメラ付き、ディープシーブルー

We also bought the Alexa Echo Dot for the bedroom as we don’t have a clock and don’t always have our smartphones with us.

Echo Dot (エコードット)第3世代 - スマートスピーカー with Alexa、チャコール

ECOVACS(エコバックス)DEEBOT N8+ Vacuum Robot

We had been using a cheaper vacuum robot for a few years to see whether we liked it enough to splurge on a Roomba. So I was surprised when my husband (again, as always!) said he wanted to try something completely new.

The Ecovacs Deebot is an all-in-one that not only sweeps your floors but also mops and empties its rubbish on its own. It can map as well and you can use it with Amazon Alexa and Google Home. It’s also quite cheaper than the Roomba.

I’m excited to try it, especially as the reviews online are quite good.

【自動ゴミ収集】ECOVACS(エコバックス)DEEBOT N8+ ロボット掃除機 マッピング 水拭き対応 強力吸引 お掃除ロボット 薄型 静音設計 自動充電

I hope this article has been helpful for those of you looking for great deals on Amazon Japan to ring in the new year. Are there any deals that you’ve found that you think I should share? Let me know in the comments!


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As a small token of my appreciation, I'll also send you a FREE Japanese and English printable to help your little one learn all about words associated with winter in Japan ⛄️

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