Japanese and English Halloween Picture Books for Babies and Toddlers

japanese halloween picture books

Last Updated on September 30, 2024 by Kay

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October is my favorite month of the year. It’s pleasantly cool outside, the leaves have started changing into warm colors, and best of all, it’s the month of Halloween!

Halloween has become quite popular in Japan recently and although trick-or-treating hasn’t quite caught on yet, you can still find costumes, decorations, and cute Halloween-themed desserts almost everywhere you go. Picture books are also no exception, and what better way to get in the Halloween spirit than by reading one about Halloween in Japanese or English (or both!) with your little one?

My daughter can’t get enough of picture books so I would share Halloween-themed picture books in Japanese and in English that she’s been reading in October. My toddler (unsurprisingly) has a short attention span but these books are short and interactive enough to keep a young child’s attention and are far more かわいい (kawaii, cute) than こわい (kowai, scary), so you don’t have to worry about your little one getting scared.

The eye-catching illustrations in these books also make them great for babies. Most of the books are board books as well so they are built to last. The text in the Japanese books are in hiragana with simple sentences, so these books are also wonderful study resources for those who are just starting out learning how to read in Japanese.

🎃Read: Great Japanese Picture Books for Babies and Young Children🎃

These books can be found on Amazon Japan (click on the name of the book or the images below to be taken to their Amazon page). The Japanese books can also be found at your local bookstore while the English ones might be a bit trickier to find but you might have luck at a MARUZEN or KINOKUNIYA.

 🕸️Halloween Picture Books in Japanese🕸️

ねないこ だれだ

ねないこだれだ (いやだいやだの絵本)
This book is a classic in Japan that was originally published in 1969 but is still popular today. It looks at different creatures that are awake at night, including a ghost, and a child who can’t sleep (ねないこ, nenaiko). It’s not exactly about Halloween but it’s definitely spooky enough for the season. My daughter first read this book at daycare and I was surprised that she wasn’t afraid of the ghost — in fact, she learned the Japanese word for ghost (おばけ, obake) thanks to this book!

Note that this is the only book on this list that is not a board book, though it is a hardcover.


ハロウィンのかくれんぼ (これなあに?かたぬきえほん スペシャル)
かくれんぼ (kakurenbo) means “hide-and-seek” in Japanese and on each page, a Halloween-themed object or creature is hiding and waiting to be revealed with a turn of the page. The shapes and colors are excellent for stimulating your child’s imagination and the book has plenty of pages so there’s a lot for your baby or toddler to discover.

While you read the book, ask them what or who could possibly be hidden within the page (“なにかな?/Nani ka na?“, “だれかな?/Dare ka na?“).

Some of the text in the book is also in both Japanese and English, making it perfect for bilingual babies.


へんしん!おばけちゃん (あかちゃんがよろこぶしかけえほん)
This sturdy and interactive board book follows the adventures of different ghosts (おばけ, obake) that can change (へんしん, henshin) into something else on every page with a swipe of a finger or a pull of a tab. The contrasting colors also make this a great book for babies as young as newborns. It’s a short book but my daughter loves it.

ハロウィン なあに

あかちゃんとあそぼ (6) ハロウィン なあに (あかちゃんとあそぼ 6)
In this book, children try to guess what Halloween characters are hiding behind the flaps. The flaps are as big as the page and have colorful illustrations on the other side as well, so it’s quite fun for children to look at. And although it has plenty of pages, it’s an incredibly light book, which makes it very portable. However, if you have a child who likes to destroy books, you might want to steer clear of this one as it isn’t the most durable.

ハロウィン いないいないばあ!

フェルトをめくると… (1) ハロウィン いないいないばあ! (フェルトをめくると… 1)
いないないばあ! (inai inai baa) means “peek-a-boo!” and is a game children from all around the world know and love, and my daughter is no exception. She’s especially fond of saying ばあ! (baa!) so this book was perfect for her.

This is another pull-the-flap book in which your child tries to find where the different adorable Halloween monsters are hiding, but unlike other books, the colorful flaps are felt, making it a fun sensory activity for your child. The flaps are also very easy to lift and the text is minimal, so if you want to introduce pull-the-flap books to your baby, this is an excellent one to start with. The author of this book is Swedish and there’s an English version too, which you can find here.

 🕸️Halloween Picture Books in English🕸️

Find Spot at Halloween

Find Spot at Halloween: A Lift-the-Flap Story
Spot the Dog books are classics so of course I had to get one of several Halloween versions for my daughter who adores Spot (her father has become a fan too!). Like all Spot books, this book has flaps that you or your child can lift to see what’s hiding underneath. My daughter loves books with flaps — a little too much sometimes, I can’t count the number of times I’ve had to glue flaps back on, but the look on her face makes it worth it.

The Very Hungry Caterpillar’s CREEPY-CRAWLY HALLOWEEN

The Very Hungry Caterpillar’s Creepy-Crawly Halloween
Another favorite of my daughter is The Very Hungry Caterpillar. This book and all of its related toys and other products are very popular in Japan, which is why I bought this Halloween version to read to her daycare classmates. In this book, the caterpillar journeys through an autumn night and discovers creepy crawly things hiding under flaps. The illustrations are colorful and the cover is iridescent, giving it a magical appearance. I also quite liked the simple, rhyming text.

Spooky Boo: A Halloween Adventure 

Spooky Boo: A Halloween Adventure
When I was checking out English-language Halloween books in the MARUZEN near Tokyo Station, I knew immediately that this book would be a hit with my daughter, and I wasn’t wrong. She pulls it out herself from her little bookshelf and asks me to read it several times in a row! In this book, your child follows a character named Spooky Boo throughout a haunted house and meets many other spooky characters. It is fun and interactive, with flaps to lift, mirrors to see your (or is it?) reflection, and feel something… sticky?!

My daughter especially loves it if I say “Spooky Boo!” in a loud and ridiculous voice. The look on her face makes reading this book over, and over, and over again worth it. (Personally, I think the writing could be better but hey, I guess that’s what makes it perfect for babies and toddlers!) I also read this book to my daughter’s classmates when I visited her daycare and they loved it!

Boo, Boo, I love you!

Boo, Boo, I Love You!
This is an adorable board book with colorful pages that is especially perfect for babies. The top has a triangular piece of felt that changes into different things, from a raccoon’s ear to a spider’s hat, so it’s stimulating for a toddler’s imagination and nice for babies to touch and feel. It’s a short, simple, and sweet little Halloween book.

My Little Pony: Tricks and Treats

My Little Pony: Tricks and Treats: More Than 50 Stickers


When my daughter was three, she started getting into My Little Pony (which I was very happy about). Paired with Halloween, this book was absolutely perfect for her. It also comes with more than 50 stickers, and she didn’t waste any time putting those in her sticker book from Nishimatsuya.

I also liked how the book has a cute message in it, which is perfect for kids as they grow and learn how to socialize and understand others.

Note that this is not a board book, so it is a little flimsy but doesn’t take up that much room.

Paw Patrol Halloween Heroes!

Halloween Heroes! (Paw Patrol)

Paw Patrol is a huge hit worldwide so your little one might be just as much of a fan as mine. In this simple and easy-to-read book, the pups go on a rescue mission on Halloween, all in costume!

This book is a hardcover.

My Magical Witch

My Magical Witch (Campbell My Magical, 7)

This is an adorable book about little witches at school. It’s interactive so kids can have fun refining their motor skills by pulling, pushing, and turning tabs to make a witch fly or create potions.

This book is a hardcover and has a super cute sparkly cover.

Busy Halloween

Busy Halloween: A Push, Pull, Slide Book (Campbell Busy Books)

This is another interactive book by the same publisher, this time about getting ready for Halloween and Trick-or-Treating. I like that there are questions on the pages as well asking readers to look for things like who is dressed like a ghost.

This book is also a hardcover.

Are there any Japanese or English Halloween books you would recommend for babies/toddlers? If so, let me know in the comments, and I hope everyone has a spooky and safe Halloween!


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